
Children's Pottery & Glazing Course (Ages 9-16)
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Children's Art & Crafts Course (Ages 4 to 5)
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Fantasy Art, Manga & Creativity Course (Ages 11 to 17)
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Digital Art Course for Beginners (Ages 11 to 17)
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Photography Course for Teens (Ages 12 to 17)
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Children's Creative Art Course (Ages 6 to 8)
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O-Level Art (Ages 13+)
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Preparation for O-Level (Ages 12+)
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Children's Art Course (Ages 9 to 12)
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Who are the courses for?

Everyone is born creative, but it can take time to connect with that creative part of yourself. At Art Academy, our courses and workshops cater to all levels: whether you’re a complete beginner or reigniting a past passion for art, we believe that everyone can develop their artistic and creative skills. 

We prioritize learning experiences by maintaining small group sizes, ensuring that everyone receives individualized attention and guidance.

Are you eligible for funding?

If your son or daughter is attending one of our courses, we are recognized by the Malta Qualifications Council (MQC) as Informal Learning for Secondary School Students and students under the age of 16 are also eligible for up to €300 in Tax Rebate per year per student by the Arts Council.

Is the workshop you want fully booked?

Sign up for our newsletter and fill out the waiting list form to join our waiting list. When a spot opens up and you're next in line, we'll let you know!